Former Deputy Prime Minister Dr Babu Jagjivan Ram death anniversary remembered in Mysuru. District In-charge Minister S T Somashekar garlanded the statue of Dr Babu Jagjivan Ram. "Jagjivan Ram fought for the downtrodden and the oppressed class. He played a major role in increasing food production in the country. He donned different roles at the Centre. The younger generation should know his contribution to society," Minister said. In the view of the pandemic situation, the celebrations are simple. Though the Covid-19 cases have come down drastically in the country, we wanted to keep it as simple as possible, Minister added. MLA Tanveer Sait, MLA L Nagendra, MP Pratap Simha, MUDA chairman H V Rajeev, Kote Shivanna, acting Mayor of Mysuru City Corporation Anwar Baig, Mysuru Deputy Commissioner Dr Bagadi Gautham, DCP Pradeep Gunti and others were present.
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